Monday, December 08, 2008


Maybe some of you noticed but I am not participating in Holidailies this year. One reason being that I know this month is going to be busy especially with us being gone last week. So I just didn't feel I could commit to it as I am going to be playing catch up the rest of the month.

But I wanted to pass the link on to read some posts from others participating...vanilla and a few kinky mixed in there. Adult entries are marked.

Here is my posts for years past...
December 2005
December 2006
December 2007

1 comment:

  1. danae,
    Merry Christmas to you and your Master. i have used the "other blog" lots this month. You have been my inspiration for a long time and just wanted to let you know i admire and appreciate you!

    i hope your holidays are wonderful and warm...and i'd love to know what you cook!

    Happy New Year!



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