The lack of posts in September were because we were gone out of town a little over 2 weeks. Plus a week of getting ready and then we came home it was straight into work.
I really like road trips with Master. Although we didn't get a lot of alone time outside of the car - we at least had that time. When we get in a car, we talk and talk. At home sometimes Master is too busy to have some deep, intense conversations, but in the car on a long road trip allows for him to just get away from business and let his mind go we have these amazing conversations. We also took lots of back roads and saw so many beautiful places with amazing fall colors even that early. It was really nice.
We had a really good trip though because we were able to see family and friends. After business and such we traveled on to see my sister and her family....seeing especially my niece. She is going to be 2 soon and is acting like she is 2. She threw temper tantrums as well as being sweet and adorable. My parents came down from their home to see us too. That was nice, but also kind of tense as my Dad's politics is getting on my nerves. He posts political stuff on FB that make my blood boil and I usually try to counter what my Dad posts. As I don't usually say anything to him directly about politics as he is my Dad, but I also don't want the stuff he posts to be hanging out there so I post usually the counter of it. So anyway....with my parents coming down to see us...I had to remind Master and myself that we couldn't talk politics. It was a little tense with my Dad, but we still had a nice time with everyone. And I got a lot of quality time with my niece.
I outed myself on the poly and teacup to my sister. I knew I had told her about having multiple partners when I was with Kam, but with Master she I know assumed we were monogamous She asked some good questions - she first asked if were like Sister Wives. I laughed and said no, but I am sure now people think of poly as that. But really it went well. She was fine with it and as always I think she will just chalk it up to - "it is my sister and expected that she lives an unconventional life." Because my family kind of views me as a free spirit.
After seeing my family, we had more work stuff to do. It was really nice though to see the people we were working with as we hadn't seen them in quite a long time. I also got a different view of one of them that I didn't really understand until staying with there. We had a great hostess and I also saw the pain she does through still because of the event we all went through. I really gained some respect and caring for her on a different level. I was thankful to have been able to help them.
From there we met up with teacup and it was great to be able to see her. She gave me a coloring book and crayons! I always love to color! It was such a sweet gift - that I am so thankful to have someone in my life who remembers those kind of things about me. Thank you teacup for the Princess coloring book and crayons!
So by the time we got to see teacup on our trip - we had almost been gone 2 weeks so I was pretty exhausted from having to be on around my family and friends. Plus I got my period (the 2nd that month) that was hitting me really hard. So I wasn't in a great mood even though I was thrilled to see teacup. I had been wishing I could give her and Master more quality alone time as we all shared a hotel room so not like I had a place really to go when I was feeling so miserable because of my period. But we made do and I got to see her and Master play and that is always fun to see! Yay me for getting to be a voyouer!
It is always hard to leave each other, but we look forward to November when she will be here for Thanksgiving! I can't wait to have her here for such a special holiday.
On our way home from our trip Master and I stayed at an amazing hotel in smaller town in Nebraska. Out of all the places we stayed it was the most beautiful and roomy...just packed with lush amenities. We were both wishing we weren't so tired and staying one more night so we could have really enjoyed it. It was really gorgeous room with a really good price too for such a plushy room.
What else is going on....
I have lost 20 pounds. Unfortunately my reasons for losing that weight is mostly due to pain making me not very hungry. I am still struggling with my sciatica, but I have an appointment at the end of the month that I really am crossing my fingers will show us the reason I have been having problems....which is one leg is longer then the other. But if that is the reason then there are solutions I think that we can work with to help get me back on track and feeling better.
Another good thing....I have been having nightmares 4 to 6 nights a week and my therapist found a drug to help block them. I have taken it only 2 nights, but I haven't had any so far and look forward to see it continue to work as sleep has been amazing for my mood/depression.
We have been really feels like we are really running around quite a lot and we things are busy. Busy is good. But we are very tired and so that means I have been going to bed much much earlier then I ever have and trying to get more sleep. The last 2 nights, I have for sure and very thankful.
Overall I hope to be able to get back into the blogging swing of things.....just trying to catch up and breath a little first.
i love reading all the good stuff but hate knowing that you're still in such pain... Sending lots of love your way.