Tuesday, March 06, 2001

Leaving on a jet plane....or at least i think that is how the song goes lol

I am getting ready to leave…..

Of course I did not really start packing til this morning. Smart of me huh? lol

And right now my suitcase is full already and I know I am going to have to start pulling things out lol

I got a call from GZ this morning; Honey was on the other phone line talking with him while waiting at the airport. I feel so bad. The ticket info I sent her said I leave from Cleveland March 6th. And then on my stuff it said arrives in Frankfurt March 7th. So she was at the airport this morning in Frankfurt and I was in bed. I woke up thinking hmmm that sounds like GZ’s voice. It scared me…..so I ran to the phone in the dark and was not even listening to what he was saying just that heard his voice. He acted shocked when I answered and I could not figure out why….now I know why. I feel bad because I wasted Honey’s morning. : (

I am really on edge.

The weather is bad and I am little nervous about flying there in this weather. I am nervous about being on a plane that long. I am nervous about how things will go when I am there. I am sad about leaving Daddy, Sir and Di. I am worried about Di right now. There are things that are going on with Sir and I that are unsaid….and I am scared of what will happen. Daddy has lots going on and I just try not to even think of that….I do know I will be Daddy’s little girl forever. That we will love each other forever…I feel secure in that. I just have all these things racing through my brain.

I am glad I am going just nervous….which is part of me anyway. I always get like this before a trip. I want to go and do not want too all at the same time.

I miss Honey and love her and want to see her since I have not in such a long time and that is what makes me want to go…..

I will journal while in Germany I hope…think.


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