Monday, April 30, 2001

Just read this.....

"I want to fight you, scream at you, feel you push me harder than I ever knew, and strip away everything without mercy until I am begging just to feel you surround me, giving everything up to surrender to you. I want it rough, aggressive and furious, and to be able to fight it with every ounce of strength within me, until I finally feel the serenity come. And then, once the walls have been torn down, to reveal to you what I am, deep down inside in my core, and that I would not have the courage to do otherwise, hiding behind my shield."

It is from this site...not sure how I got to this site but I did...and so far what I have read I like but keep in mind they are talking about Gor. :)

Right now everything I think of - dream of - of the struggle and fight. I go through those periods where it is like that just not sure why....

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