Sunday, April 04, 2004

A Wonderful Weekend!

This weekend has been great. I can't remember having this nice of a weekend in a long time. We both needed it.

Yesterday afternoon we took a little trip to a nearby town. We were looking for an office chair for me. The one I had Master could not stand. So we got a chair and then took a more scenic route back. It was cloudy yesterday so not very good for pictures, but it was so nice to get out and have a nice drive.

We drove past lots of beautiful land that would be a great place to live. The view is incredible from up there too. On our way home we stopped by the liquor store that has a pretty decent collection of wines. We bought 2 different kinds of Gewurtzteraminers. Both were very inexpensive. All their Gwurtz's were 10 bucks and under. We opened one bottle last night. It was from Fetzer Vineyards. It was an Echo Ridge Gwurtz. It was pretty good. I did not think it had a much mouth exploding flavor as Carlson's Gwurtz, but still it was good. The other is a Forestville Califorina wine.

We ended our wonderful day with being intimate and having sex. (Our second time that day). Master touched a way that I had been craving for so long. It was soft and it is those touches where the fingers lightly trail across my body that I almost wonder if I really felt it, but I know I did because it leaves that memory of the touch on the skin. It was so nice. I still smile thinking about it.

It was a great day and I am very lucky. The wonderful weekend did not end there though....

This morning we woke up late because of that missed hour. We meant to get up early and go on our weekly shopping trip. Because we had not done that this weekend. But we ended up going about 11am. So of course, it was packed. It was good people watching day though. We got in and out fairly quickly. After we got home, Master made us breakfast (for lunch). While He cooked, I unloaded the dishwasher. We had classical music on in the background while we chit chatted about this and that together in the kitchen. I was putting things away and then a surge of happiness overwhelmed me. It felt so good - I felt so happy. I turned to Master and told Him I loved Him and that I was happy today.

I have not been very happy lately so a happy day is a good thing. So this weekend has been very relaxing, fun and just so enjoyable.

I love my Master very much.

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