Tuesday, April 12, 2005


People write me and ask questions, advice or for information on the lifestyle, which I always enjoy helping and answering questions. Some of the questions, I direct them to essays Master or I have wrote. Some essays are different from my current beliefs being in an M/s relationship, so I get wordy and write more then just directing to them the link. A lot of my essays - to me - are more D/s oriented then M/s oriented. Or at least can be applied to all types of lifestyle relationships and/or just relationships in general. Some I don't even like...didn't even want to write about but had requests and tried to give an overall lifestyle view instead of my personal beliefs.

These are in order from oldest to newest. The last one is not linked on the website yet but will be soon.

* Self Worth
* Life as a 24/7 slave
* Painslut vs. Masochist
* Ignoring as Punishment?
* Online vs. Real life
* Who is it about?
* Adventures of a Toy Slut which include: Tomato Sticks, Varieties in Wax,Playing with Senses, Lav Supplies, Spoons, Household Items,Adding Excitement to Roleplaying,How to make a string flogger
* Rack vs. SSC
* Discipline and Punishment
* Respect in the Lifestyle
* PMS and Slavery
* Oral Sex:Submissive Act?
* It Takes a Community
* Collars: who, what & why
* Poly
* Anal Sex: The Questions
* Living Life within Reality Part 1 - 4
* Journaling
* Direction
* Enthrallment or Wanting the Dream Now Fever
* A Typical Day

Edit 11:06am Links should work now

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