Friday, October 12, 2007


On our way out of Colorado on the way to Shreveport we saw spiders. I don't mean tiny spiders...this is spiders that we saw from our moving car at 65-70 mph. So BIG HAIRY SPIDERS. We saw about 20 of them on the road in about a 50 mile stretch. On our way back Master took pictures. So yes....I am posting a picture of a big hairy spider.

It is a tarantula we found out it is their migration right now...didn't even know we have them in Colorado.



  1. OMG!!! Just seeing that picture totally freaks me out. I HATE spiders!! I can't imagine seeing them on the road like that.
    padme amidala

  2. I am sorry! I understand about not liking them....I know some people have the fear of spiders like I do mice! ewww! It was very freaky seeing them. *hugs*


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