Friday, September 16, 2005

Going out of Town.....Random Thoughts....

~ We leave today to go on some is 3 parts to it for me and 2 parts for Master. So we will be gone 10 to 12 days. And I doubt I will be able to blog in between - might be a slight chance on Wednesday or Tuesday but I am not holding out on that.

~ I of course have had tons to write about this week but been so busy. I started my 2nd part of my poly entries. But it won't be ready before I leave as there is just so much there I want to write about.

~ Master is out gassing the car, grabbing us breakfast, and stopping by his office one more time. I am incredibly proud of the video he did for work.

~ I am going to the Servants Retreat as the 3rd part of my trip. Catherine Gross is the one putting it on and this is her last year of doing the Servants Retreat so I am glad I am able to catch it before she stop doing them.

~ I hope that we are able to relax a little on our trips as when we get back we will be very busy least I will. I have my deadline for my client, a couple of doctors appointments, Master's parents want to visit in October and my parents have talked about coming in October too. Plus I will do my fall cleaning and I have a several birthday's in October. I always kid my Dad telling him he always had a good birthday as 2 of his children were born nine months after his birthday.

~ Our trips will encounter low 40's, possible snow, spring like conditions so 60's and 70's and then the last part of my trip will encounter summer like conditions of 80's. I feel like I packed the whole closet! We are having to bring tons of bags because I have so much.

~ I baked yesterday 2 dozen muffins and 3 dozen cookies. They are being split between different parts of the trip.

~ I dyed my hair again...and almost looks like I have black hair. It is called black cherry and I have done it this brand and shade before but it never took this dark. I left it on a little longer then usual though as I was busy doing things and lost track of time. So maybe that is why.

~ I feel like I am forgetting something for our trip....I hate that.

~ I should be nervous about part of our trip.....going to be around everyone Master works with but I have not had time to get nervous. Master bought me 2 new tops the other night. One of them I will wear with a little satin slip skirt to a dance they put on every year. It is a sweater and it only cost $5. And we were not sure how it was going to look as it has some funky sleeves but with the right skirt, accessories and shoes I made it look pretty least that is what Master said. As He said right away that is what I would wear to the dance - over one of his other favorite dresses that is one that kind of slinks down the body and then flows away. I feel very girly girl in that dress as it does wonderful twirls. But in this outfit I feel very grown up sexy you know that feeling of being kind of subtle sexy....there are touches that are so feminine but I am not really showing off skin or anything. I thought yesterday this outfit would look really good with my boots too. I have black boots that hit right under the knee and really hug the calves. Master loves them on me. But where we are going to be -- all the walking to get to the dinner and dance - very mountainous plus being out of breath because of the altitude - makes me a little dizzy that it probably was not a wise idea as they are a little to spiky and I could see me tripping and hurting myself before the 3rd part of my trip.

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