Thursday, March 29, 2007


Another good post by my friend Jen about Punishment.

We don't have punishment as a part of our dynamic either for very similar reasons. Master believes if something is wrong then we need to look at the structure because something must be seriously wrong if I am disobeying.
It doesn't mean he doesn't change behavior, ways I do things or have active control - he does. He just expects me to obey....that is the deal in this relationship. I am here to serve and obey and so if that is not what I want then...this is not the relationship for me. But I also think I am as someone else said over on Jen's post "wired" for obedience. I don't like to disappoint and will at all costs try not to. Been that way all my life hated my parents being disappointed in me (although they were often as it felt I never could do anything right no matter what I did).


  1. Punishment is nominally a factor between us. Very seldom comes up. I assume it is my obligation to behave as expected -- not to act out in ways that necessitate correction.

    That does set up a thorny dilemma because He LIKES real disciplinary SM. That "real" part is the issue. If there is no infraction then there is nothing to correct and nothing to punish -- so the discipline isn't real. Role-play just doesn't do it. If it is "real," I'm a mess... We go round and round.

    The solution has ended up being the ongoing hunt for those who do not "behave" so that He can do real punishment on people He does not connect to emotionally...


  2. swan, I can relate to your response. And actually was going to get into this but I just didn't have time to formulate the words. It my obligation to behave as expected also but on the other hand...Master could really get into corporal punishment - there is a hotness factor to him. But he at the same time doesn't believe in punishment as it just seems like something would be seriously wrong if I was disobeying him. So we have talked about role play but I am just not very good at role play. So we kind of struggle with that line.


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