Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Art Part 2

Because it will be easier....I am going to follow up on my art entry here instead of in the comment section...

Thank you everyone that made a comment on it. I knew if I started rambling in the comment section I would go over 1000-word limit.

In grade school I drew all the time. My Mom would praise my art, but never I would say encourage it. In high school I was not allowed to take art classes even in my electives because art was a waste of time. I would hear my father tell me art would not make me any money. During my senior year in high school I needed some classes. I had taken all required and many not required and needed to fill up some space and so my parents finally allowed me to take art. I took 2 classes of art each semester. I had 2 teachers but 3 of the classes were taught by one teacher. She basically was the FIRST person I came into contact that encouraged me to study art. My Mom worked at the school and ironically right across from the art department. My art teacher went over and told my Mom that I should study art but my parents felt I should go be a secretary. When I insisted on going to college I was "encouraged" to be a teacher - meaning they were paying for college so I would take what they wanted me too. I took art classes. I felt if I had to be a teacher at least I would be an art teacher.

It was really hard to write that art entry the other night. I wrote the entry after a conversation Master and I had about His talent, but it was hard for me to write because that class where the professor apologized was my last art class. My ex husband proposed to me the summer after that class. We decided I would need to work full time while he finished college so that I could save for our wedding and to have extra money in the bank because our first year of marriage he would still be in college for a semester. So I had to quit school to work full time and never got my degree in art - yes by that year I was an art major as I started paying for my own school and thus my parents did not have a say in my education. So it was hard to write knowing I gave it up....

I work on my art here and there. I work on it more since being with Master. I probably have worked on it more in the last year then I had in the 5 previous years before moving in with Master. I am happy Master does not hold me back and also encourages me to work on it. I would love to take an art class again. I have priced them here and they are so outrageous. It is kind of ironic, but I found one about 3 months before I moved here - in Cleveland. And it was $15 a session...just had to sign up for the class. There was no commitment...or registration. It was just through a community center. They had a model come and the money went to the model. That would be great if I could find something like that here.

I have started an art journal, but lately I had been putting so much work into our website and some paid graphic work that I had not done anything in it. I hope to pick it up again soon. I might bring it with us this weekend (we are going to Denver) and sketch while Master teaches His class.

One thing that inspired me to get started again was I am not a member but their ideas spawned inspiration for me. And then Lauren also encouraged (more like pushed but that is a good thing) me to start an art journal. It seemed at that time when I found nervousness that there were many messages in my life all pointing me to start drawing again. I am glad I did start again and I want to keep moving forward on that path.

There is a place on our website for my art, but I am not sure when it will be put up. Because that will be a very big day for me as it is really hard to show my art...that rejection thing you know.

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