Wednesday, January 31, 2001

The Darkness and The Light

Found this quote on
Vox's Info Center: Home

"It's within ourselves that we find the truth, the love, the's only when we know the darkness within ourselves that we can bring our inner light to it, turning pain in love." ~ Anonymous

To me the pain might be still felt but loved. Kind of like the quote on Sanctuary of Light....I think it says My darkness it the light. My pain is love. It is a pure intense moment...untouched by anything but what is happening in that moment.

I just opened up Sanctuary of Light site.....I am going to quote almost the whole opening because it is good....

"The Sanctuary of Light explores the darkness of power. Only by casting light into that darkness can we begin to understand the beauty of its intensity and its ability to transform.

The darkness....The light....Taken to the edge, they merge into one--each feeds off of and into the other....

Without darkness there is no light
Without light, you cannot see the darkness

Remove the judgments attached to the word, such as "evil," "negative," etc., and darkness simply exists as itself; a contrast to light, a world to be embraced and explored in order to enlighten our lives and experience.

Experience force, control, pain of all manner and degree. Push the edges of consent and limit. Go beyond "safe" to acknowledge the risk of pleasure and ecstasy in body and spirit."

That is it in that moment the pain I feel no judgement - negativity - evil. It is pure. mmmmm

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