Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Horoscope for today....

LIBRA (Sep 23–Oct 22): Creativity may be heightened now, but it's going to be tough to utilize these creative powers. It feels like it's just not quite there yet, but it's so close you can taste it. Your anticipation may be going through the roof as you wait on pins and needles. But it's not only about waiting for your creative impulses to overtake your life. You are part of the process and it's up to you to take action when the timing is right.

I am in a creative surge and I see all these things in my head that need to come out. The images and words blurring from one to the other. I am scared though. I have not felt like this in such a long time...where they are overflowing 24 hours a day. I want to express....let it all pour out. But I am scared.

It is so strange. I have had lots of messages lately to do art too. So I am trying not to push the images away. I am trying to be positive about doing art. I mean I desire it and really would like to put energy into the things going through my head.

But at the same time I have other creative ventures that I need to finish. And that is a big thing with me...start the creative process and then leave it hanging unfinished out there forever because if I never really finish it then I can really never fail at it or have someone tell me how awful it is...right. I know that is bunch of bull - logically I see that but somewhere deep inside that is how it feels.

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