Friday, February 04, 2005

Life Update

I tried to post this last night and of course the cable went out just then and so that meant no internet. I hate when that happens. Lately it has been happening quite a bit too.


Things here are fine...

We had a nice weekend! And then it did not end there Master and I had a nice day on Tuesday also...our actual anniversary. Master spoiled His girl with art supplies! I am a very lucky girl! He also woke me up singing along to the cd He made me...He was singing with the Little River Band...Happy Anniversary Baby. All day long when He would call me He would sing it. It was nice and cute!

I am really just starting not to have insomnia as bad (but it still is here). I have a lot of little things going on so I have been busy with other things and not online much. I owe several people some emails and will get to you soon.

I have a couple posts almost ready to go that are still answering some questions. I hope to be posting a few pictures of some art I am working on...I have the collage bug so have been trying my hand at that again.

Things for myself to note....and do...

- Look how to clean rubber stamps
- Looking for some metal containers for cds (like the ones that come when aol sends you a free on - of course I never thought of what to do with them I threw them away and now that I want one I can't find them)
- work on website stuff - for one that I am being hired for and ours...I am in the middle of a redesign of course won't be uploaded until all complete.
- make bread
- catch up on emails soon

I had quite a few people recommend a series by Jaqueline Carey....and Master bought me the first book Kushiel's Dart. I have not started it yet as I am finishing up Laurell K. Hamilton's Incubus Dreams. I started it around my birthday but then got busy and did not pick it up again until just recently. I am trying to savor it and not read it so fast because what usually happens when I read her books is that I miss them when I am done...and wish I had not read it so fast. So this time I am purposely not reading it fast....allowing myself only so many pages per sitting. I know I am weird.

Just pulled 3 Osho Zen Tarot cards...Celebration, Intensity and then Schizophrenia (which is not as bad as it sounds)...

Just a little about each card...

Celebration: I love image on this card. It reminds me of the 3 Graces....but these ones are clothed and dancing in the rain, "When you chose this card, it indicates that you are becoming more and more available and open to many opportunities that are to celebrate life and to spread this to others."

Intensity: "When you act with the is likely to create ripples in the waters around you. Some will feel uplifted and refreshed, others may feel threatened or annoyed. But the opinions of others matter little; nothing can hold you back right now."

Schizophrenia: "This card brings a new twist to the old idea of 'getting stuck between a rock and a hard place.' .....stuck in the indecisive and dualistic aspects of the mind. ....The Only way to of this dilemma is, unfortunately to let go of both at once. You can't work your way out of this one by solving it, making lists of pros and cons or any way working it out in your mind. Better to follow your heart."

The first 2 cards made sense to me but the third card did not, but that might be something that is coming and that is why it does not make sense now.

I just asked Master if He wanted 3 He shuffled and cut the deck how I like to do it....and He pulled: Schizophrenia, Creativity, The Fool.

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