Monday, March 07, 2005

Kindlings: Part 3 of 4

Continued from....Kindlings post...

11. Do you prefer 'sting' or 'thud'?
Umm depends on my mood and hormones.

12. What aspect of your life is hardest to surrender control over?
As odd as it may sound it is usually just little things cause me to get tripped up - like some days that I can't just eat without permission irritates me - although I obey there are someday I just want to say why! Usually those days are when I am exteremly hungry, fighting a migraine or pmsing but even though it is other factors does not mean I can use those as excuses.

13. Do you function better in a structured environment or a 'go with the flow' type of environment?
Kind of in between. I do fall in between - too structured and I feel like I might fail if I get off task. So I have a structure that is followed very loosely. It has lots of flexibility as Master and I believe if something is too structured it has more likeihood to break intsead of bend.

14. When do you feel the most beautiful?
When Master gives me long passionate kisses for no reason.

15. When was the last time you cried?

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