Friday, December 23, 2005

Wonderful Wonderful Red....

I was just getting ready to go shopping the other day but I thought I would jot down what I was just thinking about...

My train of thought is often very strange...

So all the things that I came about that were Red the other day….

Red Christmas Lights
We have red Christmas lights on our tree. I really like them being all red and so does Master. I remember when we were picking out lights 3 years ago we both said right away we didn’t want multi color and all white/clear lights just didn’t seem us. So we did all red. Red hot....Red light neither were part of the reason for wanting them! The pictures on this post are all of our tree. Master took them the night we put it up. One is of a porcelain winter angel, another is of an ornament that Master’s Grandmother made and he inherited. And then the last is of all the bears under the tree. I have a red flyer wagon, lots of chairs, and 2 sleds with bears sitting on them all around the tree. I even had Henry (the bear girlie bought me) under there this year with a big taffeta bow.

Red Heels
I was in the closet pulling out clothes and saw my red patent strappy heels lying on the floor. I thought I should wear those for Master during the holidays. Maybe they will inspire him to make other bits red! Thinking about wearing them led me to thought of when I got them and wore them for the first time….

I bought them in Germany for about $7 (USA dollars.) The first time I wore them was when I got back to the states and had a "date" with a client....when I was an escort. I wore those heels, a black and white nighty and thigh highs with a seam up the back. I felt very sexy and pretty that day. I also was very excited to see my client, as he was a favorite. He was the first appointment since being back from Germany too. We had a great time! I left the stocking and heels on during the "date." After I cleaned up and got ready to head out the door, I called someone I was starting to get involved with. As we were talking we realized we had just left the same area. He was only a few cars behind me. He needed to get to work so we didn’t meet face to face when realizing that but it was an odd coincidence. So that is a memory associated with my red patent heels.

Red Sweater
I wore my favorite red sweater the other day when shopping. I am not sure why I like this sweater, as it is kind of plain but it so comfy and looks really good with my black short skirt.

Red Bra
The other day under my red sweater I wore my red bra. It is a favorite bra of mine as it is comfy, silky, and it doesn’t have seams up the cup. Master has a clothing fetish. He likes things that are silky to the touch and that hug the body. The tighter the better. So girdles, pantyhose, tights, bodybriefers/shapers – all are part of his fetish. And so I wore the red bra with a black girdle panty. Master was pleased.

Red Lipstick
For years I never wore red lipstick because I thought it looked horrible with my skin. But then I got a tube that I really liked and so now I love wearing red lipstick. That is of course what I did when I wore my red bra and red sweater.

Red Bottoms
Oh the joy of having a red bottom. Spankings….making my bottom all warm and red. So yummy! I never liked spankings before Master. But the drummer in him makes the rhythm of the spanking vibrate through me.....thus making me a very wet girl.

Red Blushing
As I wrote that last little bit about red bottoms....I blush red.

Red Ribbon
Red ribbon on packages. I have several red ribbons right now for wrapping packages…grosgrain, satin, taffeta, rope-like, and curly. They look very pretty under a tree.

Red Target
I love Target! I love Target! I love Target! I really do…I spent hours in there the other day. I picked up the gifts I needed to get and then I wondered around the dishes, the bedding, the Christmas stuff, the office supplies…oh and lets not forget the shoes! It was a lot of fun just wondering!

I guess it is the season for red but I also like this is my tribute to wonderful wonderful RED!


  1. Red bras and red sweaters do demand red lipstick, and I'm sure it looks delightful on you. Merry Christmas, dear danae, and may your bottom blush to your heart's content. ;)

  2. it so happens to be my favourite colour too!
    Have a merry merry, darlin'.

  3. orchidea oh thank you so much! I hope you have a wonderful holiday too!

    nuala I am sure your tree is beautiful! Just like you!

    JeN I hope you have a merry merry holiday too!


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