Tuesday, November 27, 2001


Libra Sun Sign Central

Libra is symbolized by the Scales. You're romantic but particular, diplomatic but indecisive, but ultimately happiest when you're in love. You don't really like to be alone, period. You abhor conflict, and have a highly developed sense of objectivity and conflict resolution.Symbol: the Scales

Ruling Planet: Venus
Ruling House: Seventh House
Element: Air
Quality: Cardinal
Body Parts: kidneys
Date with destiny: Gemini, Aquarius
Run for the hills: Cancer, Capricorn
Where you glow: mediating
What makes you tick: charm
Fitness forecast: rowing
Play date: flying first class to Paris
Perfect jobs: beautician, personal shopper
Best accessory: a bottle of water
A sure thing: flirting
Destination: Fiji
Pleasure: cooperation, fair play, conversation
Pain: disharmony, solitude, decision-making
What's my line? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Libra Beauty Profile

Libras, you certainly know how to please, don't you? You know that the world wants beauty, and you always deliver. Feminine but strong, charming but never coy, you have a knack for looking fabulous with a minimum of effort. Perhaps it's the inherently captivating quality of this Cardinal Air Sign, or maybe it's the way you yearn for harmony at all costs. Maybe it's the Libran need for companionship that influences you to always look your best. Whatever IT is, it imbues you with a healthful glow, a strong and luminous life force that allows you to step out without making yourself up.

Libras seem blessed somehow -- you were likely an adorable baby, a delightful child, a homecoming queen and now a goddess possessed of a decidedly ethereal yet human beauty. It has to be the skin. Since you move through life with the purpose of balance and harmony, the lack of stress shows in your supple and ageless skin. You look lovely in greens and pinks, and you bathe in warm, floral scents.

You make it look effortless, but you just keep your secrets well. Right? Your beauty comes from your movie star poise, your grace and your subtly persuasive nature. You're at your most beautiful, though, when you're in love.

Libra and Romance

Libra, as befits the sign of the Scales, reveres balance and harmony above all. If this can be achieved with a partner, even better, for Libra rules the House of Partnerships and revels in things that come in twos. The Scales are sociable and shine in social situations, where their gift of communication is an attraction to many. Librans also want to be liked, even loved, by those who cross their path, and it can be very hard to resist the Scales when they are at their most charming and magnetic selves. It's not unusual for Librans to possess an easy grace and sense of style and move languidly throughout a room. Behind that pretty facade is a smart, often smoldering soul who knows how to get what they want, and would love nothing more than to do so fairly and justly. When the Scales find the partner they've been searching for, it could be a match made in hot heaven.

What Libra Needs

The partner who can encourage Libra to be honest, open, trusting and free is on the right track. The Scales crave someone who can give them feedback and support, and affirm that they are a treasure to behold. Wooing them with gifts can be the right stimulant. Some long talks, along with a lesson in give-and-take, can also work wonders. Anyone who can bring Libra to an open state, who can get them to think less and feel more, will be rewarded with a grateful and passionate lover.

The Libra lover is a harmonious soul who adores love, beauty and the romance dance. Anyone who can take this pleasure principle and make it seductively mental is bound to be at the top of their list. Blissfully partnered Libras exude a sex appeal which is off the charts!

Libra and Sex
Sex is often mental for Air signs, and Libra is no exception. These great communicators are possessed of a strong intellect, and these mental fireworks often manifest themselves in the thorough exploration of a lover. Only the brave need apply! Since the Scales like to be in balance, though, they are often thinking of what both partners want. A marked distaste for confrontation can sometimes be perceived as disinterest on Libra's part, but it's more often just a deep-down desire to please. Libras love seduction and foreplay, and plenty of talk leading to some hot action. If this is all achieved in the right luxurious setting, watch out! Libras swathed in riches are a pleasure to behold. Libra loves the thought of a gifted and attractive partner, since they feel their partner is receiving just that. It's safe to say that a little erotica goes a long way with the Scales, since these folks can be oh-so-playful with their toys.

Libra: Karmic Life Lessons

Ruled by lovely Venus, Libra is all about sweetness and romance, art and beauty, balance and charm. As the Sign of the Scales, one of Libra's great concerns is justice and equality, but this Sign may be even more concerned with partnerships. Friendships and romance feed Libra's soul; a social butterfly (and always a delightful host), Libra hardly ever finds itself without a lover. Those born under its influence truly prefer togetherness to being alone and tend to feel distinctly uncomfortable when single. They even have a hard time when they simply find themselves on their own for an evening without companionship. This marks Libra's greatest Karmic task: To stop looking to others to fill the perceived empty parts of the soul. Librans truly believe they're better off with others' constant support and companionship, and in many ways they're right: Team efforts can often get much more done than an individual, and an evening out with friends can be more fun than spending it home alone. It's the driving need for support and reassurance behind the urge for companionship, however, that is Libra's puzzle to solve.

Librans simply haven't learned -- or don't trust -- that their souls are complete as is. They don't need to rely on others for support; they have themselves. However, they often don't realize this and instead commit lots of energy to seeking and securing others' approval. The trouble is, seeking approval can actually be considered a procrastination device. It can certainly inhibit progress if the approval sought isn't found. As a Cardinal Sign, Libra has lots of energy to start new projects and get things going, but its commitment not to proceed until everyone is working together smoothly is unrealistic and may be the very thing that stops the project completely. Libra needs to realize that not everyone can, will or even should get along all the time; when dissenting opinions make tempers flare, Libra would do well to push ahead, even if that has to happen alone.

Differences of opinion and arguments can be very difficult for diplomatic Libra to handle. When disagreements occur, Librans tend to react in several different ways: They might become indecisive, refusing to take a stand as that would be akin to taking sides. Alternatively, some Librans will use their natural charisma to try to charm others into "good behavior." This is fine -- to a point. Sometimes Librans take their yen for harmony so far they're willing to lie or manipulate just to keep things running smoothly. In the end, of course, this kind of behavior rarely pays off; in fact, it may only further upset that balance that Libra is trying so hard to find. But why place so much important on balance in the first place? It's impossible to make everyone happy and one could use up a lot of energy trying, and all in vain.

Libra must learn that keeping everyone happy isn't the most important thing in life. Furthermore, others' approval is fickle and not to be counted on; Libra would do well to realize that when getting too caught up in wanting to be liked by all. Libra can learn from Aries's brash approach to life about placing less importance on outside opinion. Libra can look to emotional Cancer to learn how to confront feelings, even when they're frightening or uncomfortable. And Capricorn can teach Libra the importance and success of hard work done solo, carried over the long-term.

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