Tuesday, October 22, 2002

I am very antsy right now and thinking of leaving the house for a little while. I feel on edge. I woke up with a nightmare. I took a nap today because I just could not stand it anymore….I needed sleep. It was way past time for sleep. Anyway, I slept this afternoon. And I woke up on edge.

So, I want to get out and away for a little bit. But not sure if I will….

I have not told people in my life something - purposely - but on Friday it came out to several people and then last night I told Bill and Lisa. It is not that I did not trust any of the people in my life it is that I did not want to have anyone disappointed in me. I was worried about reactions.

So I did avoidance well.

I am just so tired still….feel like I could sleep for a few days straight. Mistress DM told me I needed an earlier bedtime. I have tried to go to bed earlier….in the past when it was like this and it really does not work well. I will go and lay there and stare at the clock moving past each hour. : (

I hate when I get in this place wehre I crave control. And crave all the things that right now I am not sure I should be wanting.

Life sucks…lol

My life felt in limbo when moving. Felt in limbo as I was waiting to go to Monseigneur E and Linda’s but at least there was a focus or direction. Right now I am lost. I don’t have a clear focus of what I am wanting or what I should be doing.

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