Wednesday, March 20, 2002

Closing Time

Wednesday - 2:30pm.

I am just kind of starting to feel and live life again. Not that all are good feelings…I still have lots of unresolved issues. But I am feeling again….and starting to be more active and not hiding out. I have been very busy I the last 2 weeks. I have worked on several website designs, been getting involved in the local groups again, and going out with friends.

Nick and I are still talking even though I have been too busy to reach him when he is available but we hope to be able to chat tonight. His life has been very stressful lately and from the email I got from him today it does not seem like things are getting better.

Michael and I have talked quite a bit this week. It has been very interesting conversations. He has made me smile and laugh as well as cry this week - good tears though. Michael and I go back and forth asking each other questions. Just anything. And I have not had any questions for him lately so today I spent some time and wrote about 85 questions up for him. I am prepared now! LOL

Side note: when I have been talking about Michael lately - please know that is not Moni’s Michael lol When I talked about Moni and Michael that is her Michael. When it is just Michael it is my Michael….LOL like the sound of that my Michael *grin* He will love that (not)!

Last night I did basically the last thing I needed to close my business and it was hard. Today has been harder since I have been getting emails and such in response to closing and it has been hard but good to see so many people supported us.

Stopped this post about 3pm.

Started again 11:44pm….

I talked to Nick on the phone tonight. He was so funny and really not in a bad mood....which I was happy about. I told him about the Lesbian Group that started and how they are going to have all women play parties and of course he was a typical man with visions of all women. I have had a few local Dominants interested in playing with me - 2 are female and 1 is male and I mentioned that to Nick and of course he was all for playing with the females. And I said what about the male and he expressed that he can be possessive at times. It always surprises me when he acts that way.

One of the website designs I had done has been given the sign of approval :) So now I need to get the FTP thing working and we are set. Even though - Michael through Moni online told me an easy way to ftp so I am going to try it out after I answer some emails and post my journal.

My horoscope for Wednesday:
Take care of yourself. Enjoy the world you've built. Secrets come out of hiding in their own time. A new face appears on the scene, asking you to pay attention and admire it. New eyes are noticing you. Promise only that which you can fulfill.

Thursday’s horoscope….
Go for the gold without any further hesitation. Your role is well established. Good luck smoothes over any of the rough spots. You experience a rich moment of introspection or heart-to-heart communication. This story will probably turn out exactly the way you want it to.

I found those to be interesting.

Here is my weekly horoscope from Free Will Astrology:

“During the last few weeks, your words of power have been terms most people associate with difficulty: resistance, uphill, workaround, jury-rigged, compromise. Amazingly, Libra, you have managed to make all of these themes serve your ultimate goals. Congratulations on being so robustly perverse. Beginning any minute now, you will officially move into a far smoother phase of your cycle. Your words of power will be what marketing experts have identified as the most persuasive terms in the English language: discover, easy, guarantee, health, results.”

Lots of what is being said feels true. I have been just feeling so much heavy uphill battle and the last 5 days things have felt better.

I even realized why I was not feeling anything the other night 2 reasons - One being Michael - but not that he did anything wrong….it just that he triggered something in me to turn things off. But he ended up making me feel in the end anyway. And then the other is I found out something about a friend and it is not like it was bad news but it was not news I was expecting and it affected me more then I thought it would so I just kind of turned off.

Not sure I have said out loud that I have not wore my necklace in almost 2 months now. Not by choice really. I was just going through a stage last month that I was breaking out from any type of jewelry so I took it off. I tried to wear it again but then was having other allergy reactions and so have taken it off for good - for now. I hope to be wearing it again at some point. But I also like that I have been doing good without having it near me but it is on the table next to where I sleep.

I stopped to read an article on Free Will Astrology. It is on the first page down just ways…it is called Astrology as Archetypal Language The Planets as Forces By Antero Alli. I need to read it again when there is silence in the room. So I can absorb it more because I feel there is things there I need to learn…maybe accept is a better word.

Well, I better finish work and emails…..


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