Tuesday, February 11, 2003

Well I have lots I could write about but I am really not feeling like....blogging for some reason.

Last week, He had me not being girly girl....I was naked and hobbled most of the week. And it was quite an adjustment for me. On Wednesday last week...in my handwritten journal, I made a note to write about not being able to be girly girl and how that felt. He read it and felt it was time to allow me to be girly girl again...and Thursday last week started a bumpy road for us.

The bumps just show us we don't know each other well yet...and I think we *both* get that now. And it is a good thing that has happened.

Not going to go into details of the bumps but the first bump involved His view of allowing me to be girly which did not equate to girly girl for me so I was very confused why He was wanting me to do what He said. I expressed that it would not make me feel girly girl. And from there it just seemed like a series of misperceptions, incompatibilities but…not anything huge or belief compromising. It is just a series of minor different likes/dislikes and views.

We have some movie and music tastes that are similar….but some are different. He is a typical guy and likes action. And I like romantic comedies. But He likes Sleepless in Seattle and I love the Matrix so I can’t do a sweeping hand of we don’t have similar movie tastes….we do. Same with music….He likes country and I always joke around that it is a limit lol

Views….or perceptions that are different…I need diet coke…it is an addiction. To Him giving me a diet pepsi or diet caffeine-free diet coke is the same. Or I told Him I don’t like onions but chopped up onions on a burger would not be a big deal…right? LOL Okay so you get the picture…not big bumps just little things in Him and I getting to know each other.

So, day in day out living is where we are having bumps but nothing huge.

On Sunday, we did have what He has labeled a nuclear meltdown. It came to the point of where He was asking me who did He need to call and where did I want to go. Scary….very scary.

But we are okay now, we are together, we are working together and I am very happy about it.

In the midst of the bumps, we have had very good things too…

Such as…

Dinner on Friday night out and sex when we came home, Saturday morning being woke up…He went out for donuts and we were having a day out…driving around…me wearing benwa balls and Him hitting every bump to make me squirm * blush* That early afternoon being “raped” by Him. My dress pushed up, my tights around my ankles and my mary janes still on. It was VERY HOT! * fanning myself – blushing* Yesterday, Him being sadistic and hurting my breasts and nipples. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yummy!

We are going day by day, learning to trust each other and maybe just as important…just learning each other.

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