Monday, September 04, 2006

Positive Monday....?

Today is Monday and I have tried all day to do a Positive Monday post. And right now I am so angry and sad that I haven't been able to do it....and that annoys me as I know there are good things in my I need I suppose just do the basic....

1. I have a roof over my head
2. I had meals, snacks and diet coke
3. I refrained from yelling
4. That in a little over a month I will be seeing my family.
5. That I got a lot of work done for my website.

There is lots going on that I could write and complain about but I will refrain from that too.

1 comment:

  1. Just popped in to
    say hey!
    I'm trying to be positive
    too-my job though.
    Eeeew it just won't go away!
    But I am lucky, have D, Boys
    dog, roof, sea etc
    Sometimes it's the small
    things that keep you going.


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