Saturday, December 29, 2007

The Gift of Love

This morning I woke up seeing the Christmas tree in the living room from our bedroom...all the lights on it were sparkling. And Christmas music just starting to float through the air. It was Christmas! We were out of town with family on the actual Christmas so decided to have our traditional Christmas celebration today. The stockings were packed full, the presents spilling out from under the tree and it really did feel like Santa had visited our house last night.

We opened our stockings first....I pulled out a folded piece of paper...that had me in tears the first line. Master has a way with heartfelt feelings coming through in words. It basically was a reflection of this past year together and just over all our time together that touched me deeply. His words were beautiful and full of love. We may be Master and slave but we are romantics at times too. Today was definitely filled with that romance and love.

I am very grateful for each moment together. As I said in my last post there are moments everyday that make my life truly special. And of all the gifts under the tree that letter will be one I cherish and remember always. Because it is the gift of love. I know I am being all mushy...believe me I am sitting here in tears as I type. I am very blessed and grateful for being a part of His life. And I love you very much Master!

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