Monday, April 07, 2003

Monday Mission

1. Would you rather impress or influence others? Why? Which do you tend to do more than the other?

Well, I think to impress upon...and I would rather impress upon someone then influence. I think I do both but not more of one then the other.

2. Are you able to admit your weaknesses to others? How do you handle your weaknesses (Can you accept them and see them as a strength? (Do you strive to overcome them? etc.)

Yes, I can admit my weaknesses to others. And how I handle them depends on which one it is...sometimes I have turned them around into strengths. Other times I just work on overcoming them.

3. How do you react when you are bossed around, treated as inferior or taken advantage of?

Well it would depend on who it is...when He does that it turns me on *blushing* But if others do it...most likely I get annoyed, pissed off, or upset in general.

4. Do you live your life to meet your own needs, or do you live to meet the needs of others? Why?

For a very long time I lived my life for others, but then I learned to live my life for myself and seek out my dream. Now, I am trying to live by pleasing and serving Him. My needs are now taken care of by Him. He decides what they are and how they will be fulfilled.

5. This is your Mission on Mondays, but what is your mission in life?

My mission now is to please, serve, accept and surrender to Him.

6. Can you focus on your goals and achieve them, or are you sidetracked by minor distractions along the way?

Hmmm some of both :)

7. When was the last time you cried? What were you feeling at that moment (anger, sadness, etc.)?

Last time I cried this morning on the phone with Him. At that moment I felt relief...reassurance...protected....understanding and love.

BONUS: Who can it be knocking at my door?

I hope it is acceptance and surrender :)

Today's Comment Question: How much is a gallon of gasoline where you live? (leave your state & city for reference)

$1.46 NE Ohio

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