Friday, June 09, 2006

Making the Relationship Work

I am going through my email box to figure out who I have missed in replying to emails. I know there have been quite a few lately. So in doing so I am cleaning out TONS of emails that I have had for years.

Last year on one of the yahoogroups I am the question was asked to list the top three things that you believe make your relationship work and why....and that without those things would the relationship fail or the M/s still be there?

my answer:
1) Our commitment to the relationship. Something I have found in this relationship and have not had before is faith. We have incredible faith in each other and where we are going. And the ability to slow down and see it during the bumpy times has really helped me and I believe Master would say helped him too.

2) Enjoying our time together.....laughing or in silence...just enjoying our time together. Even the simple things...such as talking and laughing in the car on the way to family, going to the grocery store together, watching a movie and so on.

3) We mesh together....but we aren't complete opposites. But we do balance each other out in the things we are opposites. But we also mesh together well with your many similarities.

I do think without these things the relationship might fail. If they were not there, I think the M/s would still be there. I just am not sure how happy we would be in the relationship...but who knows.

I do know that we both desire the M/s to be there in our relationship. And if that was not there we probably would not be together.

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