Thursday, June 06, 2002

Journal SMACKdown! #2

Bad Habits

diet coke - this is a habit that has kind of decreased over the years due to Sir Laz mostly :) I used to drink about 6 to 8 and now I drink about 2 to 3. When I stayed with Sir Laz and aydeen, Sir Laz put a limit on how many I could have while there. So, that made me start to cut down.

biting my nails - I bit my nails. I bit them when I am bored mostly.

eating when on edge - I will eat when I am anxious. I munch.

not letting go of things - I tend to hang on to things LOL I know an understatement! I have problems letting go of people, things, events and so on. I just don't like to let go.

overly sensitive - I am overly sensitive. This really goes up and down. I mean I will go from where it seems like I don't have any feelings and then when I am very sensitive. I let my guard down and am more sensitive with some people because I trust them....such as Nick.

overly loyal - I am overly loyal. There are people who have come into my life that just don't deserve loyalty and even if they were to call me up and say they needed me I probably would be there for them but of course I would be very guarded.

I am sure there are others but these are good for now :)

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