Tuesday, June 11, 2002

This and That

Tuesday This and That

1. Regular or electric/battery operated toothbrush? regular
2. Shower or bath? Shower. I like baths but I am picky….prefer a big big tub that is not white.
3. Automatic dishwasher or hand-wash dishes? dishwasher
4. Paying bills: online or write out checks? write checks….but actually mostly I have things taken out of my account automatically.
5. Laundromat or your own washer/dryer? Well, my apartment building has a washer and dryer on each floor and it just around the corner basically on our floor so it is nice.
6. Electric or gas stove? Electric…if I could but I have a gas stove
7. Subscribe to magazines/newspapers or buy at newsstand? I prefer to subscribe but mostly I ended up picking them up at a drug store.
8. Alarm clock...music or buzzer? Music…buzzer gets on my nerves.
9. Go grocery shopping yourself, or order stuff to be delivered? Kam does most of our shopping as he does most of the cooking.
10. On workdays...pack a lunch or eat out? end up usually eating out…when I worked in an office. Occasionally I would bring my lunch. I prefer to bring lunch but what would happen was I did not

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