Wednesday, July 30, 2003

Curse of the PMS Monster still...

I have been off the last few days. I know it is pms but also something is going on with the weather and my asthma has been really giving me problems the last few days. I feel like someone is sitting on my chest. It is really slowing me down.

I got all done that was on my list - but I know I should have and could have done more. I am feeling guilty again. I was doing so good too. :( I hope it is just pms & weather - and that I will be able to get back on track soon.

Yesterday for lunch Master came home to get me so we could run a grocery store. There were a few sales at another store that we don't go to regularly that we wanted to take advantage of and so He came to get me. They have a deli that makes sandwiches there so Master bought a couple of those. The bread was hard crusted bread like they serve in Europe. It had a really good flavored cheese on it and spicy mustard on it. We headed to the park afterwards - to have a picnic. We sat on a blanket talking and eating until we were invaded by bees. So we gather our food and blanket up and ended up eating in the car for the rest of our lunch. Master was late going back to work - but I am glad I had a chance to have a little picnic with Him - just time with Him I always appreciate.

PMS makes me cry lots. And so I am doing my usual and for no apparent reason. I hate that. Master has been taking good care of me and has been understanding when I am crying for no apparent reason.

Everything felt so calm and good since being back from Thunder and now I feel so off and just not able to focus very well. I tried to meditate today, but with such lack of focus and not able to calm myself - I was not able to get to a place that helped me.

Even now my mind is skipping all over - so that I am not able to focus on what I want to write.

Horoscope for tomorrow: LIBRA (Sep 23–Oct 22): Normally you are quite careful about what you say and how you say it. You don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. But now you can talk first and think later. People may be surprised at your sudden bluntness. This is good news and bad news. The good news is that you are saying what’s on your mind. The bad news is that you’ll then need to deal with other people’s reactions to the truth as you’ve presented it.

I have not said everything that goes through my head, but it is hard at times. But what is surprising me is that I am thinking things I haven't. And again the PMS monster. :(

This came through my email box today and I thought of Master....He makes me smile and laugh everyday.....I am very grateful..."Take time every day to do something silly." - Philipa Walker

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