Saturday, March 22, 2003

Okay doing a quick one before I head out for the night. It is Carpe Diem tonight.

We are okay.

I know I know...

He and I are both very intense, passionate people. And then added with my neurosis and being very emotional - more emotional then normal because I am feeling lost without Him. That equals...very intense situations.

We seem to be on a rollercoaster right now (which is normal for me here), but we both see the big picture still. We get beyond these things and still know we are good for each other. Even in what happened last night I see positives in it...because our communication today got to a place where I really felt we saw what happens when we get out of control emotionally. He has a temper. He told me that before I got there. I am very emotional. Together we have a few issues to work through.

I said something that could have been worded better last night...that pushed His buttons. He, having a temper, reacted after a long stressful week...which is also why I did not word what I said better because I was stressed from our long week.

Long story short we are back on the same page...knowing we just need to get me there and things will be much smoother. Not saying we won't have passionate, intense, emotional times...I know we will but damn it has to be better then me constantly asking is this what you mean? And Him saying why did you say that. In person I can see Him. And He can see me. And we will have less disagreements due to misunderstandings in our communication.

I want to apologize to those around me that have to be on this rollercoaster ride too. I am sorry. I am very fortunate to have such good friends....thank you for always being there for me. Master reminded me again how lucky I am....and that reminded me I wanted to apologize and say thank you.

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