Friday, July 05, 2002


Spiritual Alchemy and Transformation: September-October 2000

This is from the above article.....something to think on for me....there is more to this in the article....this is just a little bit....

From Caroline Myss: We're talking about co-creating reality. We don't create reality. We don't even co-create reality. We respond to reality. And what we're recognizing is that we have the capacity to consciously respond to our lives and that choice of response has more influence than we've ever even considered before -- biological influence, physiological influence, emotional influence, physical influence -- and that every single response kicks off consequences on a million different levels. We never knew that before. So when we think about something like co-creating our reality, it's far better and more accurate to say we co-influence it. Because we do not create it. We simply respond to and we influence it.

In workshops, I say to people, "How many of you think you create your own reality?" and their hands go flying up. I say, "How many of you are happy?" Then the hands don't go up and I ask, "So, how good are you are with this creating your reality stuff?" I'll say, "I've got bad news for you. You don't create your own reality. And the sooner you realize it, the more you'll remember you have to pray."

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