Thursday, July 13, 2006


We had an amazing trip. We just got back yesterday and are so exhausted. I might write about how great the trip was later but for now I wanted to write about the day after...

Does anyone else do this....?

When we go out of town or have people visiting where I need to be "on watch" of what I say - not necessarily of what I do because our M/s is pretty subtle but what I say often is really hard on me. Also I am very isolated normally and even though I love being social just seems takes a lot out of me to go from being very isolated to being around a bunch of people and then back to isolated.

And so we come home or our guests leave and then I....crash. I feel sad and just so exhausted mentally and physically.

So today I am crashing.

If anyone else goes through this -- do you have any solutions to maybe help in not crashing so much?


  1. I go through the same sort of thing. As a college student, I live in the dorms during the school year. Then, in the summer, I live with my boyfriend/Dominant. He doesn't keep me isolated, it just happens that because he is at work all day and I cannot drive, I spend most days at home by myself. I see my parents every so often, and my two best friends, but not many people other than that. Come fall, I am suddenly surrounded by dozens of people. I live in a dorm with 50 other girls on my floor, alone. There is always someone wanting to hang out with me, knocking on my door for help with homework, or seeing if I can walk to class with them.

    In the summer months, I enjoy my alone time, but often find that I crave a bit more socialization than I have. But if we invite people over and they are here for more than a couple of hours, I find myself wanting them to leave... and it can't be soon enough. However, during the school year, I think I have had enough socializing until it seems like everyone has gone home for a weekend or holiday. Then I miss my school friends and crave to be around them. I sometimes get very depressed when this happens.

    I find that it helps me to have some fun things I can do by myself--special things I save only for these times. For example, I just started scrapbooking, and I might save things aside to work on a page to distract myself from feeling sad. My parents give me DVD's a lot, because I am a movie freak, but don't like TV all that much. I try to save the new movies for these times when I feel down in the dumps. I also sometimes take a luxurious shower, paint my toenails, or curl up with a good book. Mainly, I try to find something to help me sort of decompress and adjust to it being "alone time."

    If none of these things is working, I call or write a letter to a friend. This is a good medium step between actually being with people face-to-face, and being by myself. Maybe these things won't work for you, but I hope they give you some ideas.



  2. I understand. I returned from a trip as well. It wasn't always easy. I write. (Butterfly garden) I talk to myself when alone- thank god nobody has ever put a voice activated tape recorder in my car...

    And I only do the most important work the first few days. Rest at home. Somehow you need that as well at after a vacation- but nobody admits it..

  3. It sounds like you have some combination of genuine exhaustion (from travel) and emotional "whiplash." It is that sudden shift from one mode to another that is difficult to adjust to and leaves you feeling disoriented and out of sync.

    Probably the best thing to do is treat it like a sort of "jet-lag." Go easy on yourself physically, get some extra rest, push extra fluids, eat well, maybe exercise gently. Just try to ease back into your routines and get yourself righted again. The intenal balance will come back soon enough.

    Hugs, swan


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