Thursday, August 10, 2006

Running Down the Road of Life..

I haven't done a life update in a long while.....

Things here are busy. Master started doing his business full time August 1 and so has been at home with me everyday. It has been wonderful actually. It has been nice to just be able to go run errands in the middle of the day instead of waiting until a weekend or over his lunch hour. We can now just go whenever we want. He has been sleeping in a little and letting me sleep in longer too. It has just been very nice.

I haven't been able to do any art in over a month and it is really getting me down. I am crying a lot lately and I know it because I just feel unbalanced without it. Master does know this but there is really not anything he can do about it at this time as we both are so busy that it is go go go constantly at the moment. And I am not complaining that we are busy. Busy when from day one of your own business is a VERY GOOD thing!

Something I am currently though trying hard to work through is that I don't feel resentment towards the business for taking me away from my passion. And I understand all the reasons to do the website work. But I am missing my art so much too. I hope to eventually come to a balance.

I was hoping I would have a little time to create today but then the things I have been waiting for on my client came in last night so I am back to work on her website as she goes live in 12 days. Ouch! I hate saying that out loud!

I am having all sorts of body image issues recently. I have them a lot but they are really getting to me lately. We had lots of photos taken when Master's parents were here for the weekend of his party. And after seeing them...I cried literally. I look horrid in them. So I am trying to find the courage to keep to eating more healthy. Of course being stressed makes me want to what....EAT!

In other news..watching Tipping the Velvet yesterday made ache with desires. Now add in kaya's post this morning and damn I see several breaks to masturbate today. (kaya's post reminded me of Morgan in many ways.)

I have 2 other posts started one on Daddy/little girl relationship and the other another extension of the post I made last night about my past with MC - who early on in my blogspot was called M. But I sometimes refer to Master as M since makes sense for Master and Michael. So changing M of my past to MC.

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