I just wanted to write a post about last night…
Laura Antoniou is a very good speaker and just an all around wonderful woman. Her wife is very nice too…both of them just so friendly. I enjoyed meeting both of them so much. The whole experience was outstanding! I was so thrilled to hear her speak. To be around her.
And I will be a girly girl…she used my purple pen to sign everyone’s books! (jumping up and down clapping like I am 8 years old.) I was a fan of her before I read the books just from reading posts on a mailing list. And then I read an article where she talked about SSC. And my beliefs are similar to hers on it.
I have now read 2 ½ of her books. The depth of the service…in them to me is amazing. How does one achieve a level even close to it? There is not a Market Place....so one does not. But I do like the strength in the service, even though I don't think being neurotic and overly emotional is a quality they look for in a slave...at the MarketPlace.
My one question I wanted to ask her last night and did not but she answered.....I wanted to know if Chris Parker is based on her. She said in the talk she gave that all her characters are based on her.
On another note… I had a “friend” there (friend in quotes as I am using the term loosely)…that I had not seen in a while and took me by surprise. He is someone I have mentioned in my journals and has a who’s who but I am still kind of trying to put it in a place where my mind can wrap around it and just let see it and accept it so not naming him.