Sunday, June 23, 2002

Playfulness Gone

Well, I can tell my immune system is still down from this winters pneumonia. The cold has pretty much hit me full force today. I am up because I needed to take some cold medicine and then I am going back to bed.

Last night at Carpe Diem was nice. The topic was very interesting and the speakers were good. The topic was sleep sacks and long term bondage. It is something I have actually not thought lots about but after last night it did spark some interesting dreams. :)

I missed Moni but I had a nice time talking to Moni's submissive. And then of course other people in the group that I always enjoy conversing with. I have lunch planned with 2 people now too after last nights meeting.

Friends have always been an important part of my life. Right now I have so many good friends and count myself blessed.

Last night after Carpe Diem I went out with some friends to get a bite to eat and I had a milk shake. It had a pile of whip cream on the top. And I had someone watching me which of course made me blush LOL But what stood out to me on the way home when I thought about that I had to think of what to do. That over the last 4 years I feel like some of my passion and playfulness has faded. My first instinct was to play with the whip cream, but how to was like blank from my mind. And then when it came to me I held back. Why? I know something probably kind of small but it does relate to my life over all. I do have to think and let that passion out...that playfulness out....with more thought then naturally as it has been in the past. I don't like that it is that way.

I have been dreaming of Di. And the dream this morning just made me realize it is time to change my who is. So expect that to change in the next day or so.

Sunday Op-Ed

1. Doughnuts
What police officers eat? Or what is Krispy Kream? Yummy! I never had a Krisy Kream until in Ohio. Weird huh?

2. Coffee
What is favorite drink at self-help meetings? I don't like to drink coffee but I like coffee flavoring and smell. I have hazelnut candles that are yummy. I like coffee flavored shakes and ice cream. And then there is a coffee flavoring used in Tiramisu...which is a favorite dessert for me.

3. Summer
What is my least favorite season? Summer! I do not like summer. Fall is my favorite season.

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